Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Massachusetts State Police Uniforms an Inspiration for the Nazi Party?

While spending their 10 minute break in the hallway outside of a GSLIS classroom, a group of Simmons students were becoming very silly. One of the students told the group that her eccentric father in law claimed that Adolph Hitler was so taken with the uniforms worn by the Massachusetts State Police that he decided to steal the look for his men. "Bob Barker?" Someone interjected. Obviously, they had not been listening. There was five seconds of hearty librarian laughter and then everyone got very serious and began hmmmming and stroking their chins even though there was only one beard between the four of them. These library students need your help! Did the Nazis base their uniforms on those worn by the Massachusetts State Police?
It's not just about the answer, the more sources the better!

1 comment:

farandaway said...

Nein, dass glaube ich nicht!